1. Function The Department of Planning and Finance performs the function of advising and assisting the Rector in managing and organizing the implementation of the tasks related to the development of plans and missions, accounting and finance. 2. Missions a) Financial planning - Act as the focal point to develop the annual estimated state budget plan in accordance with the State's regulations and VNU's guidance. Prepare detailed budget allocation plans for the activities of the University and its units. Publicly announce the approved estimated state budget plan, monitor the implementation of the budget allocation plans. - Calculate the estimated revenue and expenditure for each month, semester, and year. Manage and account for revenue and expenditure sources in accordance with the regulations. - Estimate and balance expenditure sources to allocate reasonable funds for facilities, including major and small repairs. - Estimate the costs for education and training related to the staff, undergraduate, Master, and PhD students. - Prepare annual estimated budget revenue and expenditure. - Estimate and develop payment rates for exceptional missions. b) Finance and accounting work - Develop administrative documents related to the University’s finance, accounting, and assets. - Carry out the payment of expenditure in accordance with the regulations of the State and VNU, and the University’s internal regulations on cost norms. Check on and oversee revenue and expenditure transactions and debt payments. - Organize the bookkeeping system and store source documents after the accounting finalization. - Inspect and oversee the procurement and use of assets, sources of assets, make records for asset management and coordinate with other units under the University to track the inventory of assets periodically or spontaneously. - Act as the University’s treasurer. - Instruct revenue and expenditure transactions, accounting finalization, ensure the use of consistent forms as prescribed by the regulations. - Monitor, manage fixed assets and coordinate with other units to organize the disposal of fully depreciated, damaged assets. - Participate in the final inspection and acceptance of an asset and include it in the University’s asset register before using. - Prepare annual and unscheduled statistics and reports related to accounting and finance. - Perform other duties related to accounting and finance following the assignment of the Rector. - Prepare annual financial report for the year-end staff meeting and financial meeting in accordance with the regulations. - Build the database, prepare statistical reports and financial statements periodically or upon request. - Instruct units and individuals to follow the procedure for revenue and expenditure payment and finalization in accordance with the regulations. |